Just the other day,I entered a discussion concerning proof positive of the spirit world and photos of ghost, spirits, and the paranormal in general. My friend is a die hard skeptic and has never experienced anything that has given him reason to change his mind.
It is my belief that one who enters into an investigation, be it ghost hunting, a medical cure, or what ever the investigator is seeking, must do so with an open mind. The investigator gathers the facts, evidence, and information that has been obtained, and then analyzes the findings. I have experienced paranormal sightings from a very early age and have photos of full body apparitions plus so many orbs that orbs don't excite me any more. After viewing the photos, video, and audio recordings, I look for anything that could have caused the unexplained appearance of a human form, orb or unidentified voice. After all the "debunking" and no explanation for the cause, I consider the not so obvious. I know that I am of sound mind and judgement and not easily lead by other's beliefs. With all this in mind, I present my findings to a person that is positive that paranormal existence is not possible. After all, still photos, video, and audio recordings can be made to display what ever the exhibitor wants the viewer to believe.
My response is "how do we really know that NASA has landed a man on the moon, after all , all we ever saw was pictures and video."(NOTE: I do believe that we traveled to the moon.)
What it all boils down to is there is no such thing as Positive Proof of the paranormal existance other then what we conclude in our own minds. The viewer of our paranormal evidence is going to believe in ghosts or not believe. I think I am safe to assume that if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and hangs around with other ducks, than it is probable a duck.
Where would we be if we all still believed that the world was flat ?
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