Saturday, December 22, 2007


On Oct.5Th. 2005, my better half and I flew to Cody Wyo. where we closed the purchase of an old ranch that was originally claimed in the government land grab in the late 1860's. Most of the land had been the inhabited by Native Americans prior to the white settlers moving in and the U.S. Army Calvary set about the task of rounding up the Indian tribes and moving them to the reservations. The surrounding area ran red with the blood of soldiers and warriors alike, following the Indian Wars.
The area is very close to the Bitter Root Valley in Montana where the Battle of the Little Bighorn was fought, better known as Custer's Last Stand.

We rented a car from the airport and drove the country side, very much in love with the area and scenery where we plan to build our new home and spend our final years. We are just fifty miles out of Yellowstone National Park and in my opinion the most beautiful spot in the world.

Having left my camera at home and having no ghost hunting plans, we purchased a .35mm throw away camera at Wal-mart and set out to explore the country side. I am talking about an area where one can drive for an hour on the interstate highway and not see another car.

We stopped at a scenic pull off at the side of the roadway to take in the view of the creator's work and snapped a few photos.

After returning home, I had the film developed and discovered a transparent, full body apparition, seemingly dressed like a cowboy or Calvary solider.
I truly feel that ghosts and spirits seek out believers.
Sun rise-0717 hours ---sunset-1847 hours
Temperature-high---39.2 F ---low--28.4 F
Visibility-7.5 miles
Moon phase-no moon
Moon rise-0946 hours---set-1939 hours
Camera-disposal .35mm

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Ghosts of the Sorrel-Weed House

On Aug.25, 2007, we investigated the Sorrel-Weed house in Savannah,Ga. This mansion was built by Charles Blaney Cluskey between 1840-1841, for Francis Sorrel. Sorrel lived there with his wife and son, Gilbert Moxley Sorrel, who became the youngest General of the Confederacy, at age 26. The house was sold to Henry Weed in 1859.

The story is told that Francis Sorrel's wife jumped to her death from the second floor balcony,after learning that Francis was having an affair with a slave girl. The story as told by the staff, employed at the house is, that the slave girl was found hanged two weeks after Mrs. Sorrel's suicide.

In Oct.2005, The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS) conducted an investigation for the Sci-Fi channel Ghost Hunters special. TAPS obtained EVP's from within the slave girls quarters, where an African American woman's voice is screaming, "Get out.....Get out....Help god. A man's voice was heard with the woman but his words are inaudible.

As my better half and I entered the house, there is a sense of energy that can be felt, which is best described as similar to static electricity in the air. Upon entering a parlor, I photographed an orb traveling across an antique server.

Several full body apparitions can be seen in a digital photo I took in the court yard of the house on Aug. 25,2007 at 1430 hours (2:30p.m.) After viewing that photo, we returned to the court yard on Aug. 26,2007 at 2212 hours(10:12 p.m.) and again took digital photos. Again full body apparitions are visible.

I always include the moon phase and solar activity records for my paranormal investigations.
Sunrise 0655 hours---sunset 1958 hours
Temperature high 89---low 83
Weather clear--rain earlier in day
Humidity high
Solor activity none
Moon phase 3/4 full--full moon on the 28th.
Moon rise 1824 hours-----moon set 0334 hours
Camera used Sony digital

Friday, November 16, 2007

Proof Of The Paranormal

Just the other day,I entered a discussion concerning proof positive of the spirit world and photos of ghost, spirits, and the paranormal in general. My friend is a die hard skeptic and has never experienced anything that has given him reason to change his mind.
It is my belief that one who enters into an investigation, be it ghost hunting, a medical cure, or what ever the investigator is seeking, must do so with an open mind. The investigator gathers the facts, evidence, and information that has been obtained, and then analyzes the findings. I have experienced paranormal sightings from a very early age and have photos of full body apparitions plus so many orbs that orbs don't excite me any more. After viewing the photos, video, and audio recordings, I look for anything that could have caused the unexplained appearance of a human form, orb or unidentified voice. After all the "debunking" and no explanation for the cause, I consider the not so obvious. I know that I am of sound mind and judgement and not easily lead by other's beliefs. With all this in mind, I present my findings to a person that is positive that paranormal existence is not possible. After all, still photos, video, and audio recordings can be made to display what ever the exhibitor wants the viewer to believe.
My response is "how do we really know that NASA has landed a man on the moon, after all , all we ever saw was pictures and video."(NOTE: I do believe that we traveled to the moon.)
What it all boils down to is there is no such thing as Positive Proof of the paranormal existance other then what we conclude in our own minds. The viewer of our paranormal evidence is going to believe in ghosts or not believe. I think I am safe to assume that if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and hangs around with other ducks, than it is probable a duck.
Where would we be if we all still believed that the world was flat ?